Pengaruh Customer Based Brand Equity dan Kepuasan Konsumen terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen
(Studi Kasus pada Richesee Factory)
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of customer based brand equity on loyalty and the effect of customer satisfaction on loyalty case studies at Richesee Factory Indonesia. This research uses quantitative methods and is analyzed using validity and reliability tests, factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis. hypothesis testing using SPSS. The unit of analysis in this study was 100 customers from Richesee Factory. The results showed that the influence of customer based brand equity, satisfaction (x1, x2) in influencing each additional variable y loyalty was 56.9% and the remaining 43.1% was influenced by other factors. The influence of customer based brand equity and satisfaction contributed 56.9 to loyalty to Richesee Factory. The first hypothesis (H1) is accepted, which means that customer-based brand equity has a significant effect on loyalty to Richesee Factory. The second hypothesis is accepted, which means that there is a significant effect of customer satisfaction on loyalty to Richesee Factory. So it can be concluded that customer based brand equity and satisfaction have a positive and significant influence on study loyalty at the Richesee Factory.
Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh customer based brand equity (ekuitas merek berbasis pelanggan) kepada loyalitas dan pengaruh kepuasan konsumen terhadap loyalitas studi kasus pada Richesee Factory Indonesia Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan uji validitas dan reliabilitas, analisis faktor, dan analisis regresi berganda, uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan SPSS. Unit analisis pada penelitian ini adalah 100 pelanggan dari Richesee Factory. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh customer based brand equity, kepuasan (x1, x2) dalam mempengaruhi setiap penambahan variabel y loyalitas adalah 56,9% dan sisanya 43,1% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Pengaruh customer based brand equity (ekuitas merek bebasis pelanggan) dan kepuasan memberikan kontribusi 56,9 terhadap loyalitas pada richesee factory. Hipotesis pertama(H1) penelitian diterima yang artinya ada pengaruh secara signifikan customer based brand equity (ekuitas merek berbasis pelanggan) terhadap loyalitas pada richesee factory, Hipotesis kedua penelitian diterima yang artinya ada pengaruh kepuasan konsumen secara signifikan terhadap loyalitas pada Richesee Factory. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan customer based brand equity dan kepuasan mempunyai pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas studi pada Richesee Factory.
Kata Kunci : Ekuitas Merek Berbasis Pelanggan, Kepuasan, Loyalitas
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